Apply for Individual Achievement Grants

  1. 1Introductionstep current
  2. 2Eligibilitystep pending
  3. 3Activity or event detailsstep pending
  4. 4Applicant detailsstep pending
  5. 5Supporting documentsstep pending
  6. 6Reviewstep pending
  • You can use this form to apply for Individual Achievement Grants. It takes about 15-20 minutes to complete this form.

    You will need to:

    • Read and understand Eligibility and conditions of Individual Achievement Grantsopens in new window
    • Tell us personal details, your parent or guardian's details if you are under 18 years old, activity or event details, contact information and bank account information
    • Provide proof that you live in Boroondara, confirmation that you’ve been selected to participate in the event, and provide evidence of a current government means tested card, if you wish to apply for 20% additional funding due to financial hardship.

    After you submit this form:

    • We will send you an email confirming we have received your submission
    • We will contact you with any updates to your application

    What happens with your information?

    We record your information on our customer database and make it available to relevant Council staff in line with City of Boroondara Privacy Statementopens in new window