Boroondara Farmers Market Stallholder application form 1Introduction2Terms and conditions3Applicant4Business and products5Attendance6Attachments7Review You can use this form to: Submit an application to be a stall holder at the Boroondara Farmers Market (BFM). This form is to be used for both existing and new stallholders. Before you begin: It takes about 10 minutes to complete this form and you will need to: Confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria Provide your name, address, email address and phone number Provide copies of your public liability documents, and Streatrader registration (if applicable) Read and accept the City of Boroondara Privacy Statement After you complete this form we will: Send you an acknowledgement email as a receipt of your application Contact you about your application. What happens with your information? We record your information on our customer databases and make it available to relevant Council staff in line with our Privacy Policy Your information will also be provided to Rotary in their role as BFM Committee Members and Market Day Managers Assessment Applications will be assessed by the BFM Committee against the Eligibility Criteria, and with a view to maintaining a balanced market mix. The BFM Committee has absolute discretion in the approval of the successful applications, taking into account the Eligibility Criteria, and is not bound to accept any application. If your application is accepted, Council will send you an invitation to participate subject to a trial period of three months. After the trial period, Council will review your performance and if agreed by you and the Committee, your application will be formally accepted. The following conditions of offer and acceptance will apply Conditions of Offer and Acceptance Participation at the market is by invitation from the Council. Council reserves the right to amend the number and type of stalls (the ‘market mix’) at any time. To maintain a fair market mix, the BFM Committee reserves the right, at its absolute discretion to determine which VFMA accredited products are sold by individual stall holders once their application has been accepted. The BFM Committee reserves the right to withdraw the invitation to participate in the BFM to stallholders who do not comply with this condition. If the stall holder wishes to introduce a new VFMA accredited product to the BFM, the stall holder must seek written approval from the BFM Committee before doing so. The BFM Committee has absolute discretion to relocate the market to the adjacent southern carpark, or in extreme circumstances, cancel the BFM. On market day, the On-Site Market Manager (Manager) has absolute discretion to temporarily relocate or cancel the market for any reason that the Manager deems appropriate. In such events, stallholders will be liable for all of their losses arising out of, or in connection with participation at the market and will make no claim against Council. Any market day fees paid in advance will be credited to the next operating market. Market day conditions Information about the produce being sold must be available to customers at each stall. All prices must be clearly labelled. Packaging is to be minimised and recyclable packaging used where possible. Disposable cutlery and crockery must be bio-degradable. Stallholders must remove all rubbish generated by them at the end of the Market. Public Liability The Applicant must, at all times, be the holder of a current public liability policy of insurance (“the Public Liability Policy”) in the name of the applicant entity (legal) name, providing coverage for an amount per event of at least $20,000,000. Evidence of Certificate of Currency must be provided to Council. The Applicant must provide Council with certificates of currency in respect of all insurances required within one (1) day of the request being made by Council. If the Applicant fails to comply with its obligations to insure or to provide evidence of insurance, Council may terminate your participation immediately The Applicant shall release and indemnify the City of Boroondara, its employees or agents, against any loss, damage, liability, cost, expense (including legal expenses on a full indemnity basis) action arising directly or indirectly out of, or in any way connected with the activities of the applicant or their employees or agents at the BFM and in consequence of this Application, except to the extent that the loss, damage, liability, cost, expense are caused by any negligent act or omission or wilful misconduct of the City of Boroondara, its employees or agents. There is no obligation, commitment or undertaking by Council to Stallholders beyond that specifically detailed in this application. Any updates or changes to the Terms and Conditions or market guidelines will provided to Stallholders by the BFM Committee via email as soon as is practical. Applicant Name * Required Given name Family name Email address * Required Enter Email Confirm Email Phone number * Required Postal Address Street address or PO Box Address line 2 Suburb / City State Post code Additional contact detailsPlease provide the farm or production address if different from the postal address. Please include any additional contact phone numbersAre you a new or an existing stall holder? * Required New stall holder Existing stall holder Trading name * Required Registered business name * Required Website address Certifications, accreditation and public liabilityPlease tick the following statements that apply to your business or organisation. You will be prompted to attach a copy of these documents prior to completing the form We have current public liability insurance of $20,000,000 per event We are certified organic by an accredited organisation We have a VFMA accreditation We obtain ingredients for manufactured or value added products We agree to provide information about our products/produce with details of their origin or manufacture Streatrader Statement of Trade (where applicable) Please provide details about your products * RequiredPlease include full details of the produce/products you would be planning to sell at the BFM. Include information on organic practices if appropriate. Provide details of any ingredients used in the manufacture or value add of your product. Each stall must staffed by at least one person who has intimate knowledge of, and direct involvement with, the production process of items for sale.Who will be running your stall? * RequiredClick the '+' icon to add additional rowsFirst nameLast nameContact number Boroondara Farmers Market is held every third and fifth Saturday of each month (there is no market held on the 5th Saturday in December) Which markets do you wish to attend? Please tick all that applyFirst Saturday Markets January February March April May June July August September October November December Third Saturday Markets January February March April May June July August September October November December Fifth Saturday Markets (where applicable) January February March April May June July August September October November Please select the optional requirements for your market sitePlease note a standard site is 3 x 4 meters We require a site larger than the standard size (3 x 4 metres) We require an electrical connection We require an electrical connection for a refrigerated vehicle We will be in possession of hazardous substances You have indicated a larger site is required please provide the reason and the size required * RequiredDo you have access to a generator? * Required Yes No Please describe your electrical requirements in terms of amps and voltage * Required Please describe the hazardous substances you will be using or bringing * Required Please describe the equipment you will bring to the market * Requiredi.e. tent/umbrella/trestle/refrigerated truck/cooking equipment etc Please note that marquees and tents must be weighted appropriately. File attachmentsPlease attach Your current public liability insurance Streatrader registration if required Organic Certification if required Photographs of what you propose to sell You may attach a maximum of 5 files at 4MB each. Allowed file types are jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx You can also send documents directly to Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 4 MB, Max. files: 5. Maximum file size - 4 mega bytes. If you are unable to provide documents or are in the process of obtaining them:Please provide details below. You will be required to provide documents before you can attend a market.Permission I give the Boroondara City Council permission to publish any of my photos/recordings, and my name, for the above purpose I give permission to store the photo/recording in Council's media library for use in print and online publications, including on social media, promoting Council Declaration * RequiredYou must check all five boxes to complete your application I agree to comply with all terms and conditions as detailed on this application I acknowledge that the BFM Committee has the right to verify any information provided by me I acknowledge, that should I breach the terms and conditions, I may be suspended and/or removed from the market, or the wait list for the market I confirm that the information provided in this application and attachments are to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I shall notify the City of Boroondara immediately of any changes to this information or circumstances that may affect this application I have read and accept Council's Privacy Policy and understand how my information will be used. Please review your application and click the 'Submit' button to complete your submission. Use the page navigation above or the 'Previous' button below to go back and make changes. {all_fields}EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.