Sports Club Individual Participation Grant Claim

2Club details
4Supporting Documents
  • You can use this form to:

    • Claim Individual Participation Grants funds as representative of a sports club.

    Before you begin:

    It takes about 5 minutes to complete this form and you will need to:

    • Tell us your club name, name, role at club, email and phone number
    • Provide the name, funding reference number and total registration/membership cost of registered sports club members who are successful Individual Participation Grants recipients
    • Provide sports club bank account details
    • Provide a copy of the invoice or other supporting documentation for the membership/registration fee
    • Read and accept the City of Boroondara Privacy Statement

    After you complete this form we will:

    • Review your sports club individual participation grants claim form
    • Credit funds into the nominated club account within the next month

    For further enquiries please call 9278 4797.

    What happens with your information?

    • We record your information on our customer databases and make it available to relevant Council staff in line with our Privacy Policy